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The Port of Montreal joins the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization

The Montreal Port Authority (MPA) reiterates its firm commitment to sustainable development by joining the 200 signatories of the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization. Launched by the Getting to Zero Coalition in partnership with the Global Maritime Forum, World Economic Forum and Friends of Ocean Action, this action calls on public and private organizations from the maritime, energy and financial sectors to accelerate the energy transition of international shipping and achieve the goal of zero emissions by 2050.

Launched at the recent United Nations General Assembly, the Call to Action for Shipping Decarbonization aims to decarbonize international shipping by 2050 and deploy zero-emission fuels and vessels.

The Call to Action will be delivered to governments around the world ahead of COP26 in Glasgow October 31 to November 12. Martin Imbleau, President and Chief Executive Officer of the MPA, will attend this event.

« The Canadian marine industry can and must take the lead in decarbonizing the transportation industry”, said Mr Imbleau. “Building on the fact that Quebec and Greater Montreal are uniquely positioned to develop green energy solutions, the Port of Montreal has already begun its energy transition to decarbonize its activities. We pledge to stay the course to achieve our goal of carbon neutrality by 2050 and adopt exemplary energy management in our supply chain. »

The call to action’s 200 signatories includes leading ports such as Antwerp, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Vancouver, terminal operators, major shipping lines and international industry associations. Together, the signatories are undertaking close to 300 solid actions and measures in all to successfully decarbonize the marine industry. 

A shift already in progress

Sustainable development has been a top priority at the Port of Montreal for several decades. In the twenty years since it adopted its first environmental policy, which focused on protecting natural environments, fighting climate change and preventing disturbances, the MPA has instituted numerous measures, including:

  • To learn Electrification of cranes and equipment at the terminals.
  • Installation of a shore power system for cruise ships and wintering vessels.
  • Carrying out GHG and air pollutant inventories on its territory in Montreal and Contrecoeur, the results of which are posted on the Port of Montreal’s website and show a 45% decrease in the intensity of the MPA’s GHG emissions per tonne of cargo handled since the 2007 reference year, for an average reduction of nearly 4% per year.
  • Fully hybrid fleet of service vehicles and next generation multi-generator locomotives that reduce GHG emissions by close to 30%.
  • Implementation of an LNG fuelling system.
  • Cooperation and development agreement with a Canadian company that specializes in producing biofuels, Greenfield Global 
  • Participation in PIONEERS (PORTable Innovation Open Network for Efficiency and Emissions Reduction Solutions), a green innovation project led by the Port of Antwerp that channels the efforts of 46 partners.

The MPA is also a founding member of Green Marine and a stakeholder in the Montreal Climate Partnership.

More about the call to action and the measures demanded, click here.

