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Port of Johnstown cargo approaches 1.3 million tonnes

Total cargo processed at the Seaway Port of Johnstown in eastern Ontario in 2019 totaled 1,287,723 metric tons and is the second highest year on record for the port, according to the port’s annual report.

Compared to 2001 when the township of Edwardsburgh/Cardinal  first took over operations of the port, cargo has increased from an average of 810,513 tonnes to 1,194,067 tonnes, an increase of over 47% and the trend continues to move in a positive direction.

The Port recorded its highest year of marine cargo processed in 2019 with a total of 885,003 metric tons. An increase in both salt and project cargo contributed to a record year and represented a 11% increase over 2018.

In another highlight, project cargo is growing thanks to investments in bigger laydown areas. The port has welcomed 13 vessels carrying turbines for a regional wind farm.

Soybean volumes dipped slightly below the 2018 record throughput, but they remained the biggest commodity handled by the port at 140,000 tonnes, representing 52% compared with 38% for corn and 9.5% for wheat.

2019 resulted in a record year for salt arriving at the port with thirty (30) vessels bringing in 620,024MT of salt. This represents a 19% increase over 2018. The trend continues for imported salt as thirteen (13) « salties » carrying 283,104 tonnes received at the port. A total of 336,920 tonnes of domestic salt arrived on a total of seventeen (17) vessels.
Photo Port of Johnstown
