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Port of Antwerp-Bruges reports 3% cargo increase in first six months of 2024

The total cargo handled at the Port of Antwerp-Bruges has been reported at 143.2 million tonnes in the first six months of this year, an increase of 3% compared to the same period last year. The upward trend, which started in the first quarter driven by ​ increased demand for container transport, is now extending to other product categories as well.This is despite ongoing geopolitical tensions and an uncertain macro-economic climate.  

In the first quarter, container throughput recovered following a global slowdown due to economic uncertainty and inflation. This growth continued in the second quarter. ​ In the meantime, sailing around the Cape of Good Hope has become the ‘new normal’. This ensured a rise in total container throughput of 6.8% in tonnes and 4.1% in TEUs (6,665,000 TEUs), compared to the first half of 2023.

Throughput volumes of conventional breakbulk also showed an upward trend. This started in the first quarter, following a weak final quarter of 2023. Despite throughput in the first half of the year being 6.2% lower than the same period last year – due to a 12.6% decrease in imports and a 4.5% increase in exports, throughput improved in the second quarter compared to the first quarter.

In the past six months, throughput of iron and steel has remained more or less stable (+0.6%), with a growth in exports (+7.4%) and a drop in imports (-3.7%). This contrasts with the first quarter, which experienced a growth in imports and a decline in exports.

(Photo of Port of Antwerp-Bruges)
