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Ocean Industries awarded $44m contract for life extension of CCGS Griffon


Quebec City – The Minister of Public Services and Procurement, Jean-Yves Duclos, on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Diane Lebouthillier, today announced a contract award following a competitive process, valued at approximately $44 million (including taxes) to Ocean Industries Inc. for the vessel life extension of the CCGS Griffon.

« By winning the contract to extend the life of the CCGS Griffon, after having obtained that of the CCGS Martha Black in June 2023, Ocean Industries Inc. confirms the importance of its expertise in maintaining the Canadian Coast Guard fleet,” stated Jacques Tanguay, President and CEO, Groupe Océan. “With our three shipyards along the St. Lawrence River, our desire is to be more fully part of the National Shipbuilding Strategy and to support the federal government in maintaining its existing fleet, as well as in the construction of new small and medium ships.“

Scheduled to take place from June 2025 to October 2026, the vessel life extension work entails refurbishing and repairing the main propulsion motors, the steering gear system, the four main propulsion generators, and the main emergency switchboards. Other new equipment installations include a new stores crane, a new mast, a new propulsion control system, a set of propellers, an oily water separator, boilers, HVAC units, a sewage treatment plant, and various piping replacements, all of which will increase the vessel’s operational life and maintain its safety and reliability

The CCGS Griffon is a high-endurance, multi-tasked vessel that performs light icebreaking and navigational buoy-tending operations, which are essential to keeping our waters open and safe for marine traffic and the movement of goods and services. The vessel primarily performs these duties in the Great Lakes, the St. Lawrence Seaway, and Atlantic Canada. In addition, the vessel is available for search and rescue and other emergency response operations when needed.

This vessel life extension work will help sustain up to 50 skilled jobs. This contract awards fall under the repair, refit and maintenance pillar of the National Shipbuilding Strategy, which is helping to ensure that Canada has a safe and reliable fleet of ships to serve and protect Canadians for years to come, while providing ongoing opportunities for shipyards and suppliers across Canada.

« Today’s contract award is proof of the Government of Canada’s commitment to actively invest in the Canadian Coast Guard fleet to ensure our dedicated personnel remain ready to serve Canadians. Through planned maintenance, repair and refit works, we are ensuring our Canadian Coast Guard vessels remain well maintained and in service,” said Diane Lebouthillier, Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.

(Photo from Groupe Océan)
