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Key IMO meeting on GHG reduction begins


LONDON – A key meeting of IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) began today and will last until June 17. Opening the session, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim highlighted key amendments set for adoption, aimed at cutting the carbon intensity of ships by 40% by 2030. He emphasized the need for IMO to timely deliver on the implementation of the IMO Initial Strategy on the reduction of GHG emissions from shipping, which will ensure achieving the levels of ambition and providing a globally harmonized regulatory framework, in line with the Paris Agreement.

« The stakes are high, adoption of short-term measures at this session is crucial to our ability to deliver on the commitments we have made in our initial strategy. Let me be blunt, failure is not an option, as if we fail in our quest, it is not unreasonable to conclude that we run the risk of having unilateral or multilateral initiatives, but, I have full confidence that you will demonstrate that the IMO can be trusted to deliver on commitments it has already agreed, » Mr. Lim said.

« With your strong commitment to finalizing the short-term measure at this session as a key starting point and agreeing on a way forward to structure future discussions, IMO will demonstrate that it is on the right pathway of GHG reduction consistent with the Paris Agreement temperature goals. It will also reinforce the message that IMO is the only global forum to address climate-friendly maritime transport to any sceptic who might think otherwise, » Mr. Lim said

The MEPC will also consider for adoption draft amendments to prohibit the use and carriage for use as fuel of heavy fuel oil by ships in Arctic waters; and draft amendments to the AFS Convention concerning controls on cybutryne found in antifouling paints. 
