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Fednav and CSL among Montreal’s Top Employer award

Fednav Limited and CSL Group, the two largest Canadian shipping enterprises based in Montreal, are amongst the 2020 winners of Montreal’s Top Employers competition announced by Mediacorp Canada Inc., organizers of the annual Top 100 Employers project. Now in its 15th year, Montreal’s Top Employers award is a special designation that recognizes employers in Greater Montreal that lead their industries in offering exceptional workplaces.

The awards to Fednav and CSL amount to recognition of the significant role the shipping industry plays in Montreal in creating employment and fostering innovation.

« There’s a renaissance taking place in Montreal right now, » said Mediacorp Publisher Anthony Meehan who pointed out that Montreal today « offers one of the strongest economies of any city in Canada and is home to world-class employers in a wide range of sectors. »

Fednav is Canada’s biggest dry-bulk and chartering group, operating a fleet of 125 vessels. CSL is the leading owner and operator of self-unloading ships in the world.

Among the reasons Fednav was selected: a defined pension plan, encouragement of employees to recruit their friends with generous bonuses, and starting new employees with three weeks of paid vacation.

CSL was recognized as a forward-thinking and progressive employer that offers its employees not just a job and generous benefits but an opportunity to grow within the company.

« If you have the motivation and drive to grow within CSL, we’ll give you the tools, coaching and mentoring you will need to make it to the top, » said Stéphanie Aubourg, Vice-President of Human Resources, adding: « CSL is a family-owned company and our culture and values reflect that. »
