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ICS issues new Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for shipping industry

On Thursday, 5th of March, the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has issued new guidance to help the global shipping industry combat the spread of the coronavirus. The guidance is produced in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), International Maritime Organization (IMO), European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the International Maritime […]

ICS issues new Coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for shipping industry Lire la suite »

QSL joins ranks of Canada’s best-managed companies

Quebec City – QSL, a world-class, 100% Québec company specializing in port operations and stevedoring, has been named one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies for 2020. QSL rose to the top among hundreds of businesses owned and managed by Canadians-the outcome of a rigorous and independent process overseen by Deloitte and CIBC. Recognized for excellence,

QSL joins ranks of Canada’s best-managed companies Lire la suite »

Le groupe de travail de l’OMI recommande l’interdiction du mazout lourd dans le transport maritime dans l’Arctique

In a landmark decision reached at the end of last week in London, a working group of the International Maritime Organization has recommended a global ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by ships sailing in Arctic waters, with some notable exceptions, beginning on July 1, 2024. The decision by the Sub-Committee on

Le groupe de travail de l’OMI recommande l’interdiction du mazout lourd dans le transport maritime dans l’Arctique Lire la suite »

Le Canadien Pacifique prévoit acquérir les Chemins de fer du Centre du Maine et du Québec

Canadien Pacifique et Fortress Transportation and Infrastructure Investors LLC ont annoncé qu’ils ont conclu une entente définitive en vertu de laquelle le CP fera l’acquisition des Chemins de fer du Centre du Maine et du Québec (« CMQ »). Le CMQ possède 481 milles (774 kilomètres) de lignes ferroviaires principalement au Québec et dans le Maine. La transaction,

Le Canadien Pacifique prévoit acquérir les Chemins de fer du Centre du Maine et du Québec Lire la suite »