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Canada re-elected to IMO Council


LONDON – Canada was re-elected today to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) Council in Category B—states with the largest interest in international seaborne trade— for the 2024-25 term. The results of this election recognize Canada’s important contribution and leadership on issues that matter to Canadians, to seafarers, and to the international maritime community.

The IMO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that sets global standards for the safety, security, and environmental performance of international maritime shipping. Canada is committed to collaborating with other member states to advance its key priorities at the IMO, including:

  • Protecting the environment and reducing greenhouse gases
  • Protecting polar waters and advancing Arctic cooperation
  • Promoting gender equality in the maritime sector
  • Supporting the health and well-being of seafarers

With its permanent mission of representatives to the IMO, Canada has established itself as a strong partner, leading several influential initiatives at Council. This includes creating the Gender Equality Network to increase the representation of women in the maritime sector, playing a leadership role in the development of the Polar Code to protect the unique environment and ecosystems of the polar regions, and leading efforts on the management of ballast water and hull biofouling, which protect our waters from invasive aquatic species.

The IMO plays a vital role in regulating international shipping and Canada is committed to being a strong and independent voice at this forum. Canada will continue to work with other member states to build a safe, secure, and sustainable global maritime transportation system.

« Canada looks forward to continuing its work at the International Maritime Organization Council through positive engagement and collaboration with other member states,” said Ralph Goodale, High Commissioner for Canada in the United Kingdom and Permanent Representative for Canada to the IMO.

“With its permanent mission to the International Maritime Organization, Canada has maintained a constant and dependable presence that underpins its ability to lead on important safety, security, and environmental files. This benefits Canadians by ensuring a safe and secure marine transportation system at home and abroad, and it allows the Canadian marine industry to have its voice heard at this important forum. »

(Photo of IMO headquarters)
