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Teamsters Union serves CN with strike notice amidst escalating rail labour dispute

The Teamsters Union today announced its members would strike against Canadian National Railway next week after “constitutionally” challenging Thursday’s decision by the federal government ordering both major Canadian railways to resume operations and directing the Canada Industrial Relations Board (CIRB) to prepare a binding arbitration agreement.

Both CN and Canadian Pacific Kansas City Ltd. (CPKC) locked out 9,300 locomotive engineers, conductors and yard workers starting early Thursday – raising urgent calls by business circles for the government to intervene. In response to the federal government directive, CN freight operations were starting to resume today.

« Please find this letter as official notice to the company of our intention to withdraw the services of our combined membership of approximately 6,500 members, » read the 72-hour notice sent to CN on Friday morning by the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference.

The union argued that it does not believe any of the ongoing issues between the railway and the Teamsters to be « insurmountable » and that it remains open to negotiating with the company in order to prevent any « further work stoppage. »

In Calgary, Teamsters Canada President François Laporte said the company’s demands would have broken the union’s collective agreement and that its priority is to ensure union members have « decent and reasonable working conditions. We believe in fair and honest bargaining and that’s what we want, we want a fair and honest bargaining with the company.”

Meanwhile, the lockout continues at CPKC pending an order from the CIRB. CPKC said it was prepared to discuss the resumption of service at a meeting with the CIRB, but the union refused and elected to make submissions to challenge the constitutionality of Labour Minister Mark MacKinnon’s direction.

“Unfortunately, the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC) representing the Train and Engine division and Rail Canada Traffic Controller division refused to discuss any resumption of service, and instead indicated that they wish to make submissions to challenge the constitutionality of the Minister’s direction, as well as the CIRB’s discretion to proceed with any order.”

A CIRB case management conference was scheduled for today to further hear submissions by the parties.

(Photo shows Francois Laporte, President of Teamsters Canada, at picket lines in front of CPKC headquarters in Calgary)


