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Theodore TOO visites Quebec’s capital


As tweeted earlier, Theodore TOO arrived with the tide this morning and is spending the day at the Port of Quebec. It’s a shame they weren’t able to put him somewhere else to take a break. Docked in the middle of a construction site, it is really not accessible to the population, especially since the Basin Louise lift bridge is stopped in the raised position. Your humble servant took advantage of the midday lull of the said construction site on the road adjacent to the wharf to take some pictures, but he was harassed for having « violated » a construction site, which was nothing very dangerous I assure you, the new sidewalk along the quay having been completed. Ah! How I miss the times when we did not operate only with regulations, prohibitions, intransigent and exaggerated protocols in certain circumstances, but with a certain common sense and discernment so much appreciated but that has hardly survived since a certain sombre September 11, 2001. To learn more about Theodore, go HERE.

