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Logistec and Port of Johnstown renew partnership

Johnstown, ON- The Port of Johnstown and Logistec Stevedoring (Ontario) Inc. have renewed their cargo handling partnership for the next ten years. This successful partnership goes back as far as 25 years through Logistec’s Rideau Bulk team. The experts at Logistec and the Port of Johnstown have worked together to provide customers and supply chain partners with unparalleled cargo handling services on the St. Lawrence River. The facility specializes in wind energy components to serve wind farms in the southern Ontario region, as well as dimensional steel products and a wide variety of bulk commodities, including road salt.

Products arrive at the Port via the St. Lawrence Seaway from around the world and are distributed to local businesses and municipalities. By renewing their partnership, Logistec and the Port of Johnstown commit to continuing to provide innovative services to local, national and international customers with a reliable and competitive gateway in support of domestic and foreign trade. 

« Working with local and regional businesses is very exciting for us, » explained Robert Daley, General Manager, Port of Johnstown, « as we help the local and regional economy grow by designing new logistical solutions and improving the carbon footprint of many customers. Having Logistec continue on as our expert terminal operator solidifies our position as a key gateway along the St. Lawrence. »

« We have built a solid relationship with the Port of Johnstown and this has allowed us to fully streamline our operations, and now develop more value-added services in the years to come. We are proud to continue to provide customers with seamless supply chain services they have come to expect, for today and for the future. » said Rodney Corrigan, President of Logistec Stevedoring. (Photo Port of Johnstown)
