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CMA CGM joins the fight against illegal trafficking of protected species
CMA CGM Group, a world leader in shipping and logistics, is reinforcing its procedures for shipping protected species, the trade in which is regulated by

G3 Terminal Vancouver opens on Canada’s West Coast
Winnipeg-based G3 has announced the opening of G3 Terminal Vancouver, a state-of-the-art grain export terminal at the Port of Vancouver on Canada’s West Coast.

Montreal docker-employer negotiations resuming July 13
After five days of what was described as intense negotiations, the longshore union at the Port of Montreal , CUPE 375, and the Maritime Employers

Ottawa hands out $8.3 million fund to clean up oceans of “ghost” fishing gear
Photo: Ocean Voyages Institute OTTAWA, ON – Lost and abandoned fishing gear, or ‘ghost gear,’ is one of the largest contributors to marine litter

Maritime industry calls for EU political leadership on seafarers plight
Due to the heightened humanitarian crisis due to lack of sufficient action by governments in ensuring crew changes happen, European and International maritime industry stakeholders

MSC joins the Smart Maritime Network
Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) has joined the Smart Maritime Network, an industry membership group focused on increasing the compatibility, standardization, and harmonization of the

OGSL receives over $ 1.2 million in funding from Canada
OTTAWA, ON – Today, the Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, announced that the Government of Canada

CP moves record shipments to world markets
CALGARY, Alberta – Canadian Pacific announced today its best-ever quarter and June for moving Canadian grain and grain products. The two records are the latest

Trial tanker shipment for Irving Oil via Panama Canal
Calgary-based Cenovus Energy has dispatched a tanker loaded at Burnaby, BC (per photo) with a first-ever shipment of crude oil via the Panama Canal

St. Lawrence carriers assail extra pilotage costs
By Leo Ryan, Editor Domestic shipping lines trading on the St. Lawrence River are up in arms over additional administrative costs for pilotage services they
Our Forum

On our forum: Regrettable inhospitable havens for seafarers
By Michael Grey* “Unfriendly natives” – it said, recalling a previous visit, but the Old Man, worrying about the reaction of the pilot, demanded that

On our forum: Human rights of seafarers need to be reinforced
By Michael Grey* Do seafarers have any human rights, in an era where worthy folk are always shouting about this supposed entitlement for those who

On our forum: The dangers for seafarers of unlashing containers
By Michael Grey* With everyone slowing down to save both the planet and fuel we should not be surprised that the expeditors among us are

On our forum: Anarchy the new normal
By Michael Grey* You have to hand it to the Houthis, for their ability, with limited resources, to cause an extraordinary amount of trouble in

On our forum: Canada insufficiently prepared to respond to marine emergencies
By Yoan Marier* The consequences of a marine accident are not just felt in the moment that the disaster strikes or the harrowing ones that

On our forum: Alas, the “inconveniences” of digital technology…
Michael Grey* It was years ago that an old friend, who was a shipbroker, told me proudly that using his new mobile telephone, then something

On our forum: Decarbonisation and “technostress”
Michael Grey* Are you suffering from “technostress?” It is an interesting term, which perfectly encapsulates the mentality of modern mankind, with manifold anxieties which were

On our forum: Ship designs without compromise…
By Michael Grey* The design of a ship was once a delicate balance in which an endless series of compromises were necessary to end up

On our forum: Too many mooring incidents in faulty-designed operations
Michael Grey* P&I club Gard came up with some disturbing figures the other day, in a thought provoking note on mooring operations. Using statistics garnered

On our forum: Various questions raised by the Baltimore bridge disaster
Michael Grey* A modern ship is a complex creature, packed with different systems, machinery and equipment and at any one time it is inconceivable that

On our forum: The evolution of ‘acceptable’ risk in shipping
Michael Grey* One of the advantages (or perhaps disadvantages) of age is an ability to look back and see how custom and practice, behaviour and

On our forum: The growing risks of high deck loads
By Michael Grey* He intended to pass. Probably, he won’t make that mistake again We all hope for the best, but it is slightly concerning

On our forum: Seafarers deserve special new year wishes amid ship attacks…
by Michael Grey* We are terribly worried about our supply chains these days, now that we realise they stretch rather further than the delivery van.

On our forum: On the dark side of Flags of Convenience
By Michael Grey* There probably will not be that many people around who can recall the summer of 1984, when there was an important conference

On our forum: Disappearing speeds on the high seas!
By Michael Grey* Strategies that contribute to the saving of the planet ought to be cheered to the rafters, but I confess that when I

On our forum: Persistent navigation adventures in the poorly-charted Arctic
By Michael Grey* There were some exciting times in the Far North in September. For a start, the passengers aboard the small expedition cruise ship Ocean

On our Forum: The mounting ‘co-habitation’ challenges of cruise ship visits
By Michael Grey* It represents one of the “least sustainable ways of going on holiday”, whimpered some “expert” of an unidentified discipline (probably either a

On our Forum: The risks of transporting vehicles en masse…
By Michael Grey* You might think that insurers would have been more vocal about the risks they are taking on with bigger car carriers carrying

On our Forum: Something ghoulish about tours of Titanic wreckage
By Michael Grey* I had just finished re-reading an old biography of Edward Wilson; doctor, scientist, naturalist, artist and Antarctic explorer, who died with Captain

Launch of the RESPIRE fundraising campaign by Ocean
Québec City – Ocean Group, a well-established player in the Quebec and Canadian marine industry, officially launches its RESPIRE fundraising campaign. Funds raised will be

On our Forum: The IMO must take the bull by the horns
by Harald Solberg* To supercharge the green shift, we need a clear zero-emissions target by 2050, a market-based levy on CO2 emissions and an improved