Maritime Magazine

Port Alberni expanding seafood business for marine cluster

The Port Alberni Port Authority(PAPA) announced thatIndependent Seafoods Canada Corporation(ISCC) has added a second freezer trawler, the Sunderoey, to home port dockside to the Raw Spirit at Port Alberni Terminals. The Sunderoey was welcomed on May 5. Raw Spirit has made its home port in Port Alberni since 2013 and has provided over 50 direct […]

Port Alberni expanding seafood business for marine cluster Read More »

L’Administration portuaire de Montréal et CargoM obtiennent un financement pour un outil basé sur l’IA permettant une distribution rapide et essentielle des marchandises

MONTRÉAL, le 5 mai.  Face à l’urgence posée par la crise de la COVID-19, Scale AI, la supergrappe spécialisée en intelligence artificielle (IA), a lancé un appel de projets pour trouver des idées et des solutions pouvant aider le Canada à relever le défi grâce à la technologie et à l’IA. Et le milieu n’a

L’Administration portuaire de Montréal et CargoM obtiennent un financement pour un outil basé sur l’IA permettant une distribution rapide et essentielle des marchandises Read More »

COVID-19 sparks sharp growth of grain activity at Port of Thunder Bay

Prairie grain farmers are fulfilling increased demand for Canadian grain in Europe and North Africa thanks to an efficient supply chain and ready capacity at the Port of Thunder Bay. Grain elevators in Thunder Bay, Canada’s furthest inland port, are experiencing a surge in grain throughput. Cargo statistics for the April 1 to April 30

COVID-19 sparks sharp growth of grain activity at Port of Thunder Bay Read More »

Montreal Port Authority and CargoM obtain funding for AI-based tool enabling rapid essential cargo distribution

Faced with the urgency posed by the COVID-19 crisis, Scale AI, the artificial intelligence (AI) Canadian supercluster, recently launched a call for projects to find ideas and solutions that can help Canada meet this challenge by leveraging technology and AI. And the community was not lacking in ideas, with more than 120 projects submitted in just three

Montreal Port Authority and CargoM obtain funding for AI-based tool enabling rapid essential cargo distribution Read More »

La fatigue, le stress et la peur caractérisent la vie à bord des navires pendant la pandémie (en anglais).

The latest Seafarers Happiness Index report, published by The Mission to Seafarers, has revealed real insight into the lives of seafarers during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Not surprisingly, the report reveals seafarer happiness is lower, with clear concerns about current safety and welfare provision for those serving at sea. Seafarers are urgently calling for improved

La fatigue, le stress et la peur caractérisent la vie à bord des navires pendant la pandémie (en anglais). Read More »

Stress, fatigue and dread characterize life aboard ships during pandemic

The latest Seafarers Happiness Index report, published by The Mission to Seafarers, has revealed real insight into the lives of seafarers during the global Covid-19 pandemic. Not surprisingly, the report reveals seafarer happiness is lower, with clear concerns about current safety and welfare provision for those serving at sea. Seafarers are urgently calling for improved

Stress, fatigue and dread characterize life aboard ships during pandemic Read More »

Une grue gigantesque s’effondre à bord d’un navire offshore (vidéo)

Quelques personnes ont été légèrement blessées samedi dans un accident sur un navire en construction pour l’entreprise de dragage DEME à Rostock, en Allemagne, a annoncé l’entreprise samedi soir dans un communiqué.”Un accident grave s’est produit à bord du navire d’installation offshore ‘Orion 1’ durant des essais de mise en charge de la grue”, explique

Une grue gigantesque s’effondre à bord d’un navire offshore (vidéo) Read More »

Gigantic crane collapses on board offshore installation ship (video)

A few people were slightly injured on Saturday in an accident on a ship under construction for the dredging company DEME in Rostock, Germany, the company announced on Saturday evening in a press release. “A serious accident occurred aboard the offshore installation vessel ‘Orion 1’ during crane loading tests, “explains DEME. The vessel, built in

Gigantic crane collapses on board offshore installation ship (video) Read More »

L’Espagne facilite les changements d’équipage

Alors que les Philippines interdisent tout trafic aérien en partance et en arrivé au pays, l’Espagne, qui a reconnu les marins comme des travailleurs clés pour assurer leur passage dans les ports espagnols, vient de légiférer une ordonnance à cet effet. «Le présent arrêté a pour objet d’établir la documentation que l’équipage des navires peut

L’Espagne facilite les changements d’équipage Read More »