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On our Forum: The mounting ‘co-habitation’ challenges of cruise ship visits

By Michael Grey* It represents one of the “least sustainable ways of going on holiday”, whimpered some “expert” of an unidentified discipline (probably either a climate scientist or a freelance consultant specialising in the promotion of mandatory misery). In case you haven’t guessed, it is, of course, cruising and the peak of the season in […]

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On our Forum: The risks of transporting vehicles en masse…

By Michael Grey* You might think that insurers would have been more vocal about the risks they are taking on with bigger car carriers carrying apparently ever more “problematic” (here is my chance to employ a fashionable word) cargoes which cause a lot of grief. It took five days to extinguish the inferno which recently

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On our Forum: Something ghoulish about tours of Titanic wreckage

By Michael Grey* I had just finished re-reading an old biography of Edward Wilson; doctor, scientist, naturalist, artist and Antarctic explorer, who died with Captain Scott and fellow members of the south polar party, in March 1912. Even across all these years, it is impossible to remain unmoved, reading his final letter to his wife,

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Launch of the RESPIRE fundraising campaign by Ocean

Québec City – Ocean Group, a well-established player in the Quebec and Canadian marine industry, officially launches its RESPIRE fundraising campaign. Funds raised will be donated directly to the Fondation du CHU de Québec to renew the stock of neonatal critical care ventilators at the Centre mère-enfant Soleil of the CHU de Québec-Université Laval, which

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On our Forum: Taking the pulse of the Seafarers’ Happiness Index

Michael Grey* When I was at sea, or afterwards, in shore-side employment, nobody ever asked me whether I was happy. If this unexpected inquiry had been made, I would have been instantly suspicious, anticipating that this was a preliminary to some unwanted bad news. It probably was inculcated very early on – during my first

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On our Forum: Beware of non-compliant marine fuels…

By Michael Grey* You would almost think that it is a seasonal phenomenon, these regular warnings about ships’ machinery grinding to a standstill on account of something nasty having been introduced into the bunker tanks. The consequences of off-spec or non-compliant fuel are generally dire, ranging from wrecked machinery, to expensive operations to purge the

On our Forum: Beware of non-compliant marine fuels… Read More »

On our Forum: A literary look at plastic pollution and the issues it raises

Last September, UQAR researchers in creative writing ended their journey aboard the ship ÉcoMaris to document plastic pollution on the Gulf of St. Lawrence. A two-week stay allowed them to observe a high concentration of waste resulting from the lifestyles of the last decades. Over a quarter of a tonne of waste was collected from

On our Forum: A literary look at plastic pollution and the issues it raises Read More »