Maritime Magazine

Logistec reports strong 2019 results

Montreal-based marine and environmental services provider Logistec Corporation announced consolidated revenue of $639.9 million in 2019, an increase of $55.1 million or 9.4% over 2018. Logistec provides specialized services to the marine community and industrial companies in the areas of bulk, breakbulk and container handling in 34 ports and 60 terminals in North America. The marine services segment posted revenue of $385.3 million […]

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Opérations à plein régime au Port de Montréal

Pour le transport des marchandises, les opérations fonctionnent à plein régime, indique le Port de Montréal. «Nous n’avons constaté aucune annulation, et le transport ferroviaire poursuit ses activités comme prévu. Le transport routier et les activités des terminaux suivent leur cours. Nous continuerons de respecter les lignes directrices de Transports Canada et de surveiller l’incidence de

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Port of Montreal cargo activity at full capacity

Freight transport operations are running at full capacity, the Port of Montreal reported today.” No cancellations have occurred, and rail transport continues as scheduled. Road transport and terminal operations are ongoing. We will continue to follow Transport Canada guidelines and monitor the impact of COVID-19 on Port operations.” The MPA is closely following the directives of federal

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McKeil Marine adds to product tanker fleet

BURLINGTON, ONTARIO – Marine services provider McKeil Marine Limited has purchased the Adfines Sky, an intermediate-sized ice class 1A product tanker, and sister ship to the Adfines Star that was purchased last month. The 19,000 DWT vessel has been renamed the Northern Spirit and is currently in operation With this latest addition to its diversified fleet

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Seaway measures to ensure operations amidst COVID-19 crisis

Guided by information made available by the Public Health Agency of Canada, the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) indicated it is working closely with Transport Canada and all other relevant authorities on a comprehensive response to the COVID-19 crisis. SLSMC has put in place a series of measures to ensure the continuity of operations

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Breaking news: Princess Cruises follows Viking and halts global operations for 2 months

In an unprecedented move, Princess has announced today it will pause global operations of its 18 cruise ships for two months in response to the Coronavirus. The extreme measure comes after the infections of passengers and crew on board the company’s two ships, Diamond Princess in Japan and more recently Grand Princess in Oakland, California.

Breaking news: Princess Cruises follows Viking and halts global operations for 2 months Read More »

Le Georgian College dévoile un nouveau simulateur grâce à un don de CSL

Grâce à un généreux don de Canada Steamship Lines, les étudiants des programmes maritimes géorgiens, les cadets et les marins en activité auront accès à un nouveau simulateur ultramoderne et à des systèmes améliorés sur place au campus d’Owen Sound. Canada Steamship Lines, une division du groupe CSL, a contribué 540 000 $ au nouveau

Le Georgian College dévoile un nouveau simulateur grâce à un don de CSL Read More »

Georgian College unveils new simulator thanks to CSL donation

Thanks to a generous donation from Canada Steamship Lines, students in Georgian’s marine programs, cadets and working mariners will have access to a new state-of-the art simulator and upgraded on-site systems at the Owen Sound Campus. Canada Steamship Lines, a division of The CSL Group, contributed $540,000 toward the new Advanced Integrated Simulator. Georgian is

Georgian College unveils new simulator thanks to CSL donation Read More »

Le Canada reporte le début de la saison de croisière au 1er juillet au plus tôt

Le ministre des Transports, Marc Garneau, a annoncé aujourd’hui que le Canada reporterait le début de la saison de croisière dans les ports canadiens du 2 avril au 1er juillet au plus tôt en réponse à la pandémie mondiale de coronavirus. L’administrateur en chef de la santé publique du Canada a émis un avis officiel

Le Canada reporte le début de la saison de croisière au 1er juillet au plus tôt Read More »