Maritime Magazine

Ottawa unveils 2020 North Atlantic right whale protection measures

Canada’s federal government today announced enhanced 2020 measures designed to reduce the risks to North Atlantic right whales from interactions with vessels and fishing gear between April and November. There are some 400 left in the world of the endangered iconic marine mammal. “For the past several years, the Government of Canada has been working […]

Ottawa unveils 2020 North Atlantic right whale protection measures Read More »

La Chambre de commerce maritime critique la date d’ouverture tardive de la Voie maritime

Due to the evolution of water levels on Lake Ontario, the Canadian and U.S. St. Lawrence Seaway authorities announced later opening dates in 2020 than 2019 for commercial navigation on the Welland Canal and the Montreal-Lake Ontario section. The decision drew rapid criticism from the Chamber of Marine Commerce (CMC). The opening dates are respectively

La Chambre de commerce maritime critique la date d’ouverture tardive de la Voie maritime Read More »

Les dirigeants de l’industrie recherchent une solution pour protéger le couloir commercial de la Voie maritime de la crue élevée

Ottawa, ON – Les dirigeants du transport maritime demandent aux représentants du gouvernement de protéger le corridor commercial de la Voie maritime du Laurent en travaillant avec les intervenants pour développer des solutions qui ne reposent pas sur un barrage inefficace pour résoudre les niveaux d’eau élevés des Grands Lacs. Cette question, qui a déjà

Les dirigeants de l’industrie recherchent une solution pour protéger le couloir commercial de la Voie maritime de la crue élevée Read More »

Industry executives seek high water solution to protect Seaway trade corridor

Ottawa, ON – Marine shipping executives are calling on government officials to protect the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway trade corridor by working with stakeholders to develop solutions that do not rely on one ineffective dam to solve high water levels across the Great Lakes. The issue, which has already cost the economy millions of dollars,

Industry executives seek high water solution to protect Seaway trade corridor Read More »

Le groupe de travail de l’OMI recommande l’interdiction du mazout lourd dans le transport maritime dans l’Arctique

In a landmark decision reached at the end of last week in London, a working group of the International Maritime Organization has recommended a global ban on the use of heavy fuel oil (HFO) by ships sailing in Arctic waters, with some notable exceptions, beginning on July 1, 2024. The decision by the Sub-Committee on

Le groupe de travail de l’OMI recommande l’interdiction du mazout lourd dans le transport maritime dans l’Arctique Read More »

Transportation paralysis spreading across Canada as Indigenous protests escalate

Container pile-ups at the key ports of Vancouver, Montreal and Halifax were reaching critical dimensions Tuesday as anti-pipeline protests and demonstrations in solidarity with Wet’suwet’ hereditary chiefs spread across Canada. In the vicinity of the Port of Vancouver alone, more than 50 ships are sitting at anchor, while some carriers are diverting their vessels from

Transportation paralysis spreading across Canada as Indigenous protests escalate Read More »

CN rail blockades increasingly hitting Port of Montréal cargo flows

There appears to be no immediate threat that the two-week long Indigenous blockades that have crippled much of the CN Rail network across Canada will force a shut-down of the Port of Montréal. But port officials and stakeholders at Canada’s second largest port after Vancouver acknowledge that it will be “a huge problem if the

CN rail blockades increasingly hitting Port of Montréal cargo flows Read More »