Maritime Magazine

Manille crée une «voie verte» pour les marins (en anglais)

Manila – The Philippines, the world’s top crewing hub, opened the first “green lane” for seafarers in Asia to finally allow the free movement of seafarers and personnel across borders. The joint circular for the Philippine Green Lane was signed Thursday by senior government officials in Manila. The Joint Circular, which takes effect upon signing,

Manille crée une «voie verte» pour les marins (en anglais) Read More »

Name change announced for Canadian Coast Guard vessel Edward Cornwallis

The CCGS Edward Cornwallis outside Halifax, whose controversial founder of the same name is known to have put a bounty on Mi’kmaq scalps in 1749 while he was governor of Nova Scotia. Photo: Mac Mackay DARTMOUTH, NS, June 30, 2020 /CNW/ – The Government of Canada is working with Indigenous peoples to right the wrongs

Name change announced for Canadian Coast Guard vessel Edward Cornwallis Read More »

La Première Nation des Pacheedaht et la Garde côtière canadienne signent un protocole d’entente sur la construction d’une installation maritime (en anglais)

“The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is a proud moment for the Canadian Coast Guard and is solid proof of the successes that nation-to-nation negotiations can bring,” said Mario Pelletier, CCG Commissioner. (photo Canadian Coast Guard) Port Renfrew, BC – The Canadian Coast Guard and the Pacheedaht First Nation, as part of the Co-Developing

La Première Nation des Pacheedaht et la Garde côtière canadienne signent un protocole d’entente sur la construction d’une installation maritime (en anglais) Read More »

Canadian Coast Guard and Pacheedaht First Nation sign MOU to build marine facility

“The signing of this Memorandum of Understanding is a proud moment for the Canadian Coast Guard and is solid proof of the successes that nation-to-nation negotiations can bring,” said Mario Pelletier, CCG Commissioner. (photo Canadian Coast Guard) Port Renfrew, BC – The Canadian Coast Guard and the Pacheedaht First Nation, as part of the Co-Developing

Canadian Coast Guard and Pacheedaht First Nation sign MOU to build marine facility Read More »

Changement de nom annoncé pour le navire de la Garde côtière canadienne Edward Cornwallis

Le NGCC Edward Cornwallis devant Halifax, dont le fondateur controversé du même nom est connu pour avoir mis à profit les scalps mi’kmaq en 1749 alors qu’il était gouverneur de la Nouvelle-Écosse. Photo: Mac Mackay DARTMOUTH, NS, le 30 juin 2020 – Le gouvernement du Canada travaille avec les peuples autochtones pour redresser les torts de

Changement de nom annoncé pour le navire de la Garde côtière canadienne Edward Cornwallis Read More »

Le syndicat des débardeurs lance une grève contre le plus grand opérateur de conteneurs de Montréal

Par Leo Ryan, rédacteur en chef Le syndicat représentant plus de 1 100 travailleurs du débardage au port de Montréal a signifié qu’il se mettra en grève pendant 40 heures à compter de 15 h le jeudi 2 juillet contre les deux terminaux de Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership (MGT), le plus grand exploitant de conteneurs

Le syndicat des débardeurs lance une grève contre le plus grand opérateur de conteneurs de Montréal Read More »

Longshore union launching strike against biggest Montreal container operator

By Leo Ryan, Editor The union representing more than 1,100 longshore workers at the Port of Montreal has served notice that it will strike for 40 hours starting at 3 pm on Thursday, July 2 against the two terminals of Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership, largest container operator at Canada’s leading east coast port. MGT’s Racine

Longshore union launching strike against biggest Montreal container operator Read More »

Longshore union launching strike against biggest Montreal container operator

By Leo Ryan, Editor The union representing more than 1,100 longshore workers at the Port of Montreal has served notice that it will strike for 40 hours starting at 3 pm on Thursday, July 2 against the two terminals of Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership, largest container operator at Canada’s leading east coast port. MGT’s Racine

Longshore union launching strike against biggest Montreal container operator Read More »