30th Anniversary of Maritime Magazine
This is a truly historic moment for Maritime Magazine, and not simply because I became Publisher a year ago.
More significantly, this edition coincides with the creation in 1995 of a unique bilingual trade magazine in Canada by Pierre Terrien and Michel Veilleux – two fervent admirers of the maritime culture and heritage of the St. Lawrence River. It was created as a stand-alone publication devoted to maritime trade when La Revue Maritime L’Escale (which also produced the boating magazine L’Escale Nautique) was spun off.
Through subsequent years, the audacious gamble by the entrepreneurial founders in the port/city of Québec has proven to be an exciting journey of publishing survival in the increasingly pervasive digital era. We needed to adjust rapidly to major changes while closely monitoring, too, the enormous evolution of the Canadian and global marine sector.
Since its inception, Maritime Magazine has sought to offer a comprehensive, objective coverage of the many achievements and challenges of stakeholders navigating through the St. Lawrence, Great Lakes, Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic trades.
Fast forward to 2003. After I joined Maritime Magazine as Marketing and Business Development Director at the same time as Leo Ryan, a highly-respected shipping and international trade journalist, became Editor, Maritime Magazine has considerably expanded its national and international readership with its daily website news and print/digital editions. A metamorphosis to be proud of.
In retrospect, we feel we have survived by not only treating industry players like a community we care for, but because our magazine offers timely editorial features. These range from columns on Green Shipping and the St. Lawrence Seaway to reports on shortsea shipping, project cargo and energy transition developments, and individual company profiles. Of special importance as well are the in-depth features identifying opportunities for transportation providers, shippers and ports in building business especially with the United States, the Pacific Rim and Europe.
A dimension of our niche magazine that I like to underline: it often contains valuable information not to be found in any other publication. This is thanks to our talented team of specialized journalists who are motivated to, as much as possible, contact executives and industry stakeholders directly.
In closing, for this first anniversary of the magazine under new ownership, we are delighted to offer a revamped new look. In all modesty, we hope this uplifting visual lay-out will prompt our loyal readers and advertisers to linger even longer on our pages!
Steady as she goes…
Sophie Belina Brzozowska