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Los Angeles/Long Beach expand truck gate hours to ease massive congestion

The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, the biggest maritime complex in the United States have announced expanded night and weekend truck gate hours to reduce massive congestion that for 14 months has shown no signs of easing. The biggest maritime complex in the United States accounts for half of total U.S. imports from Asia. The decision came on the heels of discussions with industry stakeholders and the U.S. Department of Transportation.

According to the Maritime Exchange of Southern California, a record 65 vessels were waiting at anchor for berthing space and another 27 ships at berth being worked at the end of last week.

The Biden administration has been expressing concern over supply chain disruption hampering overall U.S. economic recovery.

“The ports of Long Beach and Los Angeles will work closely with the trucking community to ensure that all truck operators understand how to take advantage of incentivized gate hours as well as the expanded opportunities that will be created to move cargo during non-peak times,” the ports said in a joint statement. “In addition to expanded hours and incentivized reservation priority, the ports urge terminals and the trucking community to consider other corrective measures.”

 The two ports have also asked 12 container terminal operators to consider incentivizing shippers to make greater use of late-night and early-morning hours on weekdays. The terminals have reported that on the second shift, from 6 pm to 3 am the following morning, an average of 30 percent of the truck appointment slots are filled.

(Photo Port of Los Angeles)




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