The Mission to Seafarers has released the findings of its Q3 2022 Seafarers Happiness Index report, undertaken with the support of the Standard Club and Idwal. Seafarer happiness levels reached 7.3/10, up from 7.21 last quarter, which follows a sustained increase in seafarer satisfaction, after a record low of 5.85 recorded in Q1 of this year.
The results of the survey show seafarers are much happier with their access to shore leave and more certain about crew changes, with both factors contributing to the overall increase in satisfaction, but various other issues remain.
This is largely a return to normal after the past two years’ pandemic restrictions. While the data is largely positive, issues such as food provisions, wages, workload, stress and the reality of life at sea persist, showing that there is no room for complacency and still much work to be done.
The biggest jump in satisfaction scores this quarter was on access to shore leave, with happiness leaping up from 4.8 to 5.87. While there are still some restrictions in place in certain regions, the impact of COVID-19 on seafarers is largely waning. This means seafarers are far more certain they will be able to go home on time, which has fuelled much of the positivity. They can also now make more use of welfare centres, giving seafarers access to key facilities, provisions and entertainment when ashore. While there are still restrictions in place for some crews, notably in China, things are decidedly more hopeful, according to the Mission to Seafarers. (Shutterstock photo)