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La supergrappe océanique du Canada investira jusqu’à 35 millions de dollars dans un nouveau programme de solutions océaniques accélérées (en anglais)

ST. JOHN’S– Canada’s Ocean Supercluster (OSC) announced today a Canada-wide Call for Proposals for its new Accelerated Ocean Solutions Program (Program). Through the Program, the supercluster will invest up to $35 million in short-term ocean projects that will help stimulate the economy during this challenging time. This will supplement the OSC’s core programs in Technology Leadership and Innovation Ecosystem, and is intended to trigger additional industry investment in innovation, capability-building, and helping build resilience in the ocean economy.

« While we remain focused on staying healthy and safe, it’s incumbent upon us to also create opportunities to continue to deliver commercial outcomes and contribute to Canada’s economic recovery, » says CEO Kendra MacDonald.

« As we look to new opportunities in ocean to help grow the economy post-COVID-19, continuing to encourage investments in innovative solutions has never been more important. While no one can predict what the world will look like post-COVID, there are recurring messages on the importance of automation, sustainability and operational efficiency to allow our businesses to not only remain competitive in Canada but globally-relevant.” 

The Accelerated Ocean Solutions Program Call for Proposals is focused on three Project Themes including: remote operations; digital/automated technologies; and environmental technologies, and four Project Types that will be considered including: product/service advancement and commercialization; capacity and infrastructure; process enhancement; and innovation ecosystem. Projects must have a compelling strategy to capitalize on emerging opportunities and overcome challenges in the context of the current market and operational conditions, and deliver a definitive outcome in an accelerated timeframe.

The application process is now open and begins with Expressions of Interest which must be submitted by May 22, 2020 at 2 p.m. Atlantic time to be considered. For complete details, visit
