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Minship bulk carrier biofuel trial advances carbon neutral shipping

Bavarian ship management company Minship and its subsidiary Minmarine  announced that a bulk carrier in their fleet of managed vessels, M/V Trudy, has successfully bunkered biofuel at the Port of Rotterdam. The biofuel bunkered by the 2009-built, 30,790 dwt bulk carrier on April 17 was GoodFuels’ sustainable Biofuel Oil MR1-100: which is a second generation sustainable biofuel produced from certified feedstock that is labelled as waste or residue.

Since biofuel will be the only fuel burnt in the main engine of M/V Trudy for the next 8-10 days, the vessel will generate up to 90% less CO2 emissions than if it was burning a conventional shipping fuel.
The adoption of biofuels by Minship is a huge step towards the ship management company and its customers reaching their ambitious CO2 reduction goals.  Throughout the inaugural biofuel powered trial voyage taken by M/V Trudy from the Port of Rotterdam, relevant performance indicators will be closely monitored to help inform future operations.

Additional trials on further vessels under Minship’s management are planned with a view to making biofuel a real alternative for their managed fleet to reduce the carbon footprint.

Minship  Ship management Managing Director Markus Hiltl said: “Following more than a year of preparations between multiple stakeholders, including ship owners, fuel suppliers, flag states, insurance companies and manufacturers, the initiation of this trial, led by subsidiary organization Minmarine, has only been possible through the vision and support of GoodFuels.”

“This trial is a significant landmark for Minship as it will allow us to demonstrate that the use of available green, alternative fuels can make shipping less dependent on fossil fuels right now,” he continued.(Photo Minship)
