Forum EN

Sustainable fuel is not science fiction (Forum)

Copenhagen, 20 August 2020 Nel, Everfuel and Haldor Topsøe join Ørsted, Mærsk, Copenhagen Airports, DSV Panalpina, SAS and DFDS to establish one of the world’s largest electrolyser and sustainable fuel production facilities – and apply for double-digit grant from Innovation Fund Denmark. Today, sustainable fuels are more expensive than fossil fuels. To compete with fossil […]

Sustainable fuel is not science fiction (Forum) Read More »

Greenpeace launch protest against Shell’s Brent oil field decommissioning plans (Forum)

Greenpeace activist Jennifer Ganster North Sea – Greenpeace activists from Germany have launched a protest in the North Sea to call out Shell’s plans to abandon an estimated 11,000 tonnes of oil in the sea.[1] The Greenpeace ship Esperanza approached the 500m exclusion zone of Shell’s platforms in the Brent oil field, off the Shetland

Greenpeace launch protest against Shell’s Brent oil field decommissioning plans (Forum) Read More »

Port of London Pilot, Ms. Ivana Carrioni-Burnett, shares a new personal insight during the COVID-19 crisis (Forum)

Photo : Ivana Maria Carrioni-Burnett 10 August 2020  by Ivana Maria Carrioni-Burnett London. UK.  Reporting for Human Rights at Sea , Port of London Authority Pilot, Ms. Ivana Carrioni-Burnett, provides another* personal insight during the COVID-19 crisis. At Maritime Magazine, we were struck by this bold statement which drives forward the importance of shipping and in particular the priceless

Port of London Pilot, Ms. Ivana Carrioni-Burnett, shares a new personal insight during the COVID-19 crisis (Forum) Read More »